how can i index images quickly?


A partner turned client has just launched an image database for graphic designers. It operates exactly the same way as Adobe Stock or any other website that sells images for websites, graphic design, etc...

Looking in the Search Console, images are not getting indexed as we'd like them to, I included a screenshot. It has been like that since the website launch, about 2 months ago.

This is a custom designed WordPress website. I know that Yoast has a setting where you can redirect media files to the page where they are displayed (to avoid thin content) and that feature is turned on. We have that turned on for most websites that we work with.

But in this particular case, since they are selling images and they need these images to come up in Google image search, what would you guys recommend as the best course of action?
Rename your image metadata, title and alt tags
Create Google+ page and add photos to Google Maps
Add images to your social networking pages.
Write guest posts and include profile photos.
Images on Slideshare rank highly on Google Images.
Optimize Images